Major Research Collaborations



Solar Silicon Research Cluster for Industry-near Research of Basics of Defect Engineering in Crystalline Silicon for Solar Cells (SolarFocus)



Joint Research Project, Sub-Project 4:

Investigation of Generation, Structure, and Electric Activity of Precipitates in Solar Silicon

Supported by:

Federal Ministery of Environment, BMU


03/01/2007 to 02/28/2010


total 5.113.511 €; this Sub-Project 723.655 €


Scientific Goal:


The goal of this project is to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the basic multiple interactions of different nds of defects, which are relevant for crystalline silicon materials. For the first time, multiple doping with metals and N, O, and C will be performmed for multicrystalline and Czochralski silicon under industrial conditions. Based on this, possibilities for reducing the influence of such defects ("Defect engineering") will be evaluated in cooperation between institutes and industrial partners. This knowledge will be applied to ongoing solar material and solar cell production processess. We expect significant improvements of the material quality by innovative production processes, leading to an improvement of yield and efficiency of solar cells based on crystalline silicon wafers.



Scientific Partners:


Institute of Solar Energy Research (ISFH), Hameln/Emmerthal
Institute of Solar Energy Systems (ISE), Freiburg
University of Konstanz
Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (MPI), Halle
Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus / Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Frankfurt (Oder) (BTU / Joint Lab) Cottbus
Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg
Department of Applied Physics, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen / Nürnberg
IV. Physical Institute of Georg-August-University Göttingen



Industrial Partners:


Deutsche Solar AG, Freiberg
SCHOTT Solar GmbH, Alzenau
Ersol Solar Energy AG, Erfurt
PV Silicon Solar AG, Erfurt
Q-Cells AG, Thalheim
Sunways AG, Konstanz
Solland Solar Cells GmbH, Aachen
Scheuten Solar Cells, Gelsenkirchen
Arise Technologies, Bischofswerda
Conergy AG, Hamburg




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