M. Zacharias, J. Heitmann, and L.X. Yi
Preparation of size and density controlled Si nanocrystals:
Optical properties of Si nanocrystals
Study of the crystallization process from point of theory
Study of the phase separation and the crystallization process by experiments
Doped nanophotonic structures
Si nanocrystals are arranged in parallel monolayers embedded inside silicon oxide matrix. Size control for the crystals is realized by using a SiO2/SiO/SiO2 superlattice structure with the embedded SiO layer having the thickness of the desired Si nanocrystals and using a high-temperature annealing to form Si nanocrystals. L.X. Yi et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 81 (2002) 4248
Heitmann, J. , F. Müller , L. X. Yi , M. Zacharias , D. Kovalev , and F. Eichhorn
Excitons in Si nanocrystals: Confinement and migration effects.
Physical Review B 69 (19) , 195309 (2004)